Early Middle College

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“The Early Middle College program at HVAM will allow me to become the first member of my family to attain a college degree, all at my own pace and tailored to meet my future goals, all through a college that is exceptional at no cost at all.”*

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“HVAM and the Early Middle College program have been so beneficial in promoting a positive environment that’s encouraging me to learn and grow. The support system is so great here and everyone is more than happy to help you along your educational journey.”*

Jump-Start Your Future

Highpoint Virtual Academy (HVAM) offers the first fully virtual Early Middle College (EMC) education option for Michigan high school students. This tuition-free, three-year public school program lets students participate in an integrated sequence of high school and college courses.

Beginning in 11th grade and continuing through an extra 13th year of study, students in the program focus on college-level courses. They can earn one of the following while working toward their high school diploma:

  • An associate’s degree
  • Up to 60 transferable college credits 
  • Stackable academic certificates with Davenport University  
Student showing a k12 shirt

How does it work?

Get the details from Head of School Mary Moorman.

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What are the benefits?

No out-of-pocket costs. You don’t pay tuition, fees, or book costs during the three-year program. This can significantly reduce education loan debt. 

Industry-specific credentials. You can choose to earn an industry-specific credential, which may open a broader range of employment opportunities upon graduation. 

Better prepared for college. Participating in the EMC program also prepares you for the more challenging coursework required of higher education. 

Early Middle College Partners

Students can study with HVAM’s postsecondary partners offering the following programs: 

  • Baker College: Associate’s degree or Certificate Programs 
  • Davenport University: Associate’s degree or Stackable Certificates 

Who is eligible?

In order to apply for the EMC program, high school students must meet all the following criteria: 

  • Be an HVAM student in good standing entering 11th grade 
  • Have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 
  • Have a minimum PSAT score of 400 in Reading/Writing and Math 
  • Have less than 10 absences per academic year 
  • Be passing all current High School classes (60% or above) 
  • Be on track for graduation, including completion of state testing requirements 
  • Have approval of the HVAM counselor  

*All statements reflect each person’s own experience at HVAM.