You Heard It Here First
We’re proud of the strong community we’ve built at Highpoint Virtual Academy of Michigan (HVAM). Hear directly from our parents and students how their time at HVAM has helped enrich their lives.*

What People Are Saying
The staff is amazing they answer any questions you may have. The teachers follow the IEP. They are very good at getting students to participate. A very strict code of absolutely no bullying. My son and niece are doing amazing with the program. Thank you so much for being amazing people. Caring for each student. Thank you very much. I appreciate you all
Ginny, 2024 HVAM parent

Through my years at Highpoint virtual academy of Michigan during my struggles between the courses the teachers were very supportive and helpful to completing tasks.
2024 HVAM student

Administration is very quick to responding to any problems happening they also make sure to keep you in the loop, counselors are quick to set up meetings to help you find the resources your looking for, and highpoint takes your graduation plan very serious so they can help you get a head start on your future.
2024 HVAM student
*All statements reflect each person’s own experience at HVAM.