Contact Us
We’re happy to help. Simply write, call or email us.
Highpoint Virtual Academy of Michigan
P.O. Box 596,
210 East Mesik Avenue
Mesick, MI 49668
Enrollment/Program Inquiries (toll-free):
Local School Office:
231.307.4707 ext. 7001 or 855.337.8243
Record Requests
HVAM only accepts records requests online. Please use this link:
NOTE: No records requests will be accepted via email or fax. Final transcripts for graduates (with graduation dates) won’t be available until after the final day of school. You may still request official and unofficial transcripts at any time.
Media Inquiries
Are you a member of the press or public relations community? We have a dedicated email address to serve your needs: [email protected]*
*This email is not for student record submission or transcript requests.