About Our School

Board of Directors

Highpoint Virtual Academy of Michigan (HVAM) is governed by a Board of Directors composed of community leaders. Public notice of future HVAM board meetings, as well as minutes from past meetings, can be found here.

Our Board

Paul Osborne

Paul Osborne
Board President

Chris Codden

Chris Codden
Board Vice President

Rhonda Jakubik-Workman

Rhonda Jakubik-Workman
Board Secretary

Martha McMann

Martha McMann
Board Treasurer

Ella Simmons

Ella Simmons
Board Member

Board Meetings and Minutes

All board meetings will be held at the address below on the third Thursday of each month at 8:30 AM, unless otherwise noted:

210 E. Mesick Ave., Mesick, MI 49668

If you would like to attend an HVAM board meeting, join us in person at the location noted above. Or join us remotely by calling 888.824.5783 and entering participant code: 17700635#.

To join us via Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 959 235 619, Passcode: 6WRgr1

One tap mobile: +16468769923,,959235619#,,,,*876112# US 

Our Authorizer

Highpoint Virtual Academy of Michigan is an online public charter school authorized by Mesick Consolidated Schools.